Attendance InformationAttendance line: 495-7429
All day absences: x. 4001 Leaving Early or Late Arrival: x. 1005 Regular attendance is essential to successful school achievement. You must make every effort to avoid being absent. If it is necessary to be absent from school, you are responsible for all work assigned during your absence. Excused Absences: 1. Illness 2. Medical appointments 3. Attendance at a funeral of a family member 4. Court appearance by subpoena Parents must clear all absences by phoning the attendance line (495-7429, press 4001) either the morning of the absence or ahead of time if known. A note will also be accepted at the attendance window upon your return. If you will be leaving school during the day, you must bring a note stating the time your parents will be picking you up and the reason for leaving. Bring this note to the attendance window before school and you will be given a pass to leave class at the correct time. Truancy: If you are absent from school for reasons other than those listed above, you are truant. Truancy is against the law. When truant, a student may be cited by the police and mandated to appear in court. If you are truant you will not be allowed to make up any missed class work, tests or assignments. Truancy directly affects your grade and your eligibility for activities at school. Special Excused Absences: When approved by the Principal, Assistant Principal or the Dean, special permission may be given for a student to make up tests and assignments after truancy, when the school has been notified in writing in advance of the absence. |
Homework Policy
Most teachers post homework assignments on Canvas or Q. Please check these sites first to gather missed homework. If you do not see homework posted, please send an email to your child's teachers to gather missed homework due to an absence. More information can be found by grade level at the following page links: Grade 6 / Grade 7 / Grade 8 If your child will be out more than 5 days, he or she may qualify for Independent Study. Please reach out to Ms. Lane at [email protected] for more information.
Students are to make up all class work and homework that is due or assigned during an absence. Students are responsible for contacting the teacher to receive both in-class assignments and homework missed. Students with excused and verified unexcused absences are entitled to full credit for make-up work if turned in on a timely basis. Students have one day to make up the work for full credit for each day missed. For example, a student absent for two days will have two days once he/she has returned to school to make up the work for full credit. Students who are absent on the day of a test are expected to schedule a make date with the teacher to take the test within a reasonable amount of time. Long-term projects that are due on the day a student is absent will be due on the day the student returns from an absence.
Please note that making up work is not the learning equivalent of experiencing classroom instruction and participating in classroom activities. Upon return, it is the student’s responsibility to request both in-class assignments and homework assignments missed from each teacher. Parents may request homework, if students have been absent for illness or injury for 3 or more days by viewing Q/Canvas and/or sending an email to teachers (Grade 6 / Grade 7 / Grade 8).
Students are to make up all class work and homework that is due or assigned during an absence. Students are responsible for contacting the teacher to receive both in-class assignments and homework missed. Students with excused and verified unexcused absences are entitled to full credit for make-up work if turned in on a timely basis. Students have one day to make up the work for full credit for each day missed. For example, a student absent for two days will have two days once he/she has returned to school to make up the work for full credit. Students who are absent on the day of a test are expected to schedule a make date with the teacher to take the test within a reasonable amount of time. Long-term projects that are due on the day a student is absent will be due on the day the student returns from an absence.
Please note that making up work is not the learning equivalent of experiencing classroom instruction and participating in classroom activities. Upon return, it is the student’s responsibility to request both in-class assignments and homework assignments missed from each teacher. Parents may request homework, if students have been absent for illness or injury for 3 or more days by viewing Q/Canvas and/or sending an email to teachers (Grade 6 / Grade 7 / Grade 8).
Long-Term Absences
For long-term planned absences, please complete a Planned Absence Form through the Attendance Office in advance. If your child will be out more than 5 days, he or she may qualify for Independent Study. Please reach out to Ms. Lane a [email protected] for more information.