Renaissance Program
The Renaissance Program enhances and supports our district motto: “High Expectation = High Achievement." The Renaissance Program is an exciting and prestigious program to reward and celebrate achievement. Renaissance status will add recognition and incentive to your life at Colina. As you set your sights on achieving Renaissance membership, remember the three goals of this program: I. To focus on and emphasize excellence in your work habits, citizenship, and academic achievement II. To recognize and reward your achievement III. To recognize and reward staff achievement You can qualify in one of the following three groups for special Renaissance celebrations and incentives. (Note: Renaissance measures Grades, Work Habits, and Citizenship in all courses, including electives and PE.)
To qualify for Renaissance activities and privileges, students must meet the following criteria:
Gold Card: Recipients have earned all A’s and E’s/S’s in citizenship and work habits.
Silver Card: Recipients have earned all A’s and B’s, and E’s/S’s in citizenship and work habits.
Bronze Card: Recipients have earned all A’s, B’s, C’s and E’s/S’s in citizenship and work habits, or recipients have shown a .5 GPA improvement from quarter grading period to quarter grading period, to the 2.0 level or above.
A mark of an “N” or “U” in citizenship or work habits disqualifies a student from earning a Renaissance Card for a specified grading period. You qualify at the end of each grading period (not progress reports), and your membership is good for one quarter.
To qualify for Renaissance activities and privileges, students must meet the following criteria:
Gold Card: Recipients have earned all A’s and E’s/S’s in citizenship and work habits.
Silver Card: Recipients have earned all A’s and B’s, and E’s/S’s in citizenship and work habits.
Bronze Card: Recipients have earned all A’s, B’s, C’s and E’s/S’s in citizenship and work habits, or recipients have shown a .5 GPA improvement from quarter grading period to quarter grading period, to the 2.0 level or above.
A mark of an “N” or “U” in citizenship or work habits disqualifies a student from earning a Renaissance Card for a specified grading period. You qualify at the end of each grading period (not progress reports), and your membership is good for one quarter.
Citizenship Points System
Students must strive to demonstrate good citizenship both inside and outside of the classroom. We appreciate good behavior and want to reward our best citizens. Our goal with Citizenship Points is for you to develop self-discipline and learn the skills necessary to monitor your own progress and behavior. You will begin the school year with 100 points. If you lose points for any reason (see list below) it is your responsibility to make the points up as soon as possible.
Important points to remember:
1. You MUST SIGN the points-off slip or log when you lose points. This indicates you are aware of the loss of points, and it becomes your responsibility to track your points and make them up.
2. Points can be made up at lunch detention or by making arrangements to work with a teacher or custodian. Points are earned at the rate of 10 points per ½ hour at lunch or 5 points per ½ hour before or after school. Points MAY NOT be earned during class time or C.O.R.E time.
3. Your points must be 80 or above by the Friday one week prior to a school activity, like an assembly, social or dance, to participate in that activity
4. Your points must be 80 or above by the Friday one week prior to scheduled Saturday Work Study (a.k.a., Saturday School, SWS, or SWAP), or you will be assigned to a MANDATORY SWAP. You will receive 40 points for satisfactory participation at each 4-hour SWAP.
5. A special end of year activity is planned for students who maintain good point status all year. This means you have: NEVER fallen below 80 points. Made up all lost points before the end of each quarter. Lost less than 40 points all school year. Not been suspended. Not been truant more than 3 times. Received no more than 1 referral all year. Not been tardy more than 3 times. Received only E’s or S’s in citizenship on your report cards (No N’s or U’s in Citizenship) If you maintain these standards you will be eligible to attend the SPECIAL ACTIVITY at the end of the school year. This event is free of charge for all students who earn it!
What can you lose points for? Locker violation -10; Tardy (Unexcused) -10; Gum Chewing -10; Off task / not following directions -10; Food, candy, drinks brought to class or beyond red lines -10; Disrespect/ Harassment -10; No materials/books -10; Backpack left unattended on campus, or brought to class -10; Dress code violation -10; Profanity/vulgarity -10; Points carry over from quarter to quarter. Make them up right away!
Important points to remember:
1. You MUST SIGN the points-off slip or log when you lose points. This indicates you are aware of the loss of points, and it becomes your responsibility to track your points and make them up.
2. Points can be made up at lunch detention or by making arrangements to work with a teacher or custodian. Points are earned at the rate of 10 points per ½ hour at lunch or 5 points per ½ hour before or after school. Points MAY NOT be earned during class time or C.O.R.E time.
3. Your points must be 80 or above by the Friday one week prior to a school activity, like an assembly, social or dance, to participate in that activity
4. Your points must be 80 or above by the Friday one week prior to scheduled Saturday Work Study (a.k.a., Saturday School, SWS, or SWAP), or you will be assigned to a MANDATORY SWAP. You will receive 40 points for satisfactory participation at each 4-hour SWAP.
5. A special end of year activity is planned for students who maintain good point status all year. This means you have: NEVER fallen below 80 points. Made up all lost points before the end of each quarter. Lost less than 40 points all school year. Not been suspended. Not been truant more than 3 times. Received no more than 1 referral all year. Not been tardy more than 3 times. Received only E’s or S’s in citizenship on your report cards (No N’s or U’s in Citizenship) If you maintain these standards you will be eligible to attend the SPECIAL ACTIVITY at the end of the school year. This event is free of charge for all students who earn it!
What can you lose points for? Locker violation -10; Tardy (Unexcused) -10; Gum Chewing -10; Off task / not following directions -10; Food, candy, drinks brought to class or beyond red lines -10; Disrespect/ Harassment -10; No materials/books -10; Backpack left unattended on campus, or brought to class -10; Dress code violation -10; Profanity/vulgarity -10; Points carry over from quarter to quarter. Make them up right away!
Student Achievement Awards
- Semester Awards: Each teacher will select students each semester to recognize at a student achievement awards ceremony
- Grade Level Awards Nights: 7th and 8th grade awards nights are held in May each year to recognize students for grades and achievement
- 6th Grade Open House: Student awards will be included with the presentation of student work
- Promotion: Special awards will be presented to students during the 8th grade promotion ceremony each year