Newbury Park High School
Newbury Park High School website can be found by clicking here.
They are located at 456 Reino Road Newbury Park, CA 91320 Phone: 805.498.3676 Fax: 805.499.3549 Attendance: 805.499.3645 School Hours: 7:10 am - 3:05 pm Office Hours: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm |
NPHS Counseling Office website can be found by clicking here.
You will find information such as academics, college & career, tutoring services, Naviance, graduation requirements, and so much more. NPHS Counselors: Ms. Tina Choi: A-Da Mrs. Tina Coleman: De-H Mrs. Lesley Nedwick: I-Mo Mr. José Ireta: Mu-Se Mr. Rik Napora: Sh-Z |